Banff National Park

Raven Crag Update

Plutonian Shores 5.9, 7p, sport - Summer 2012: Audrey, Conrad, Greg, John, Ken, Kris, Larry, Mark, Mike, Tom

Lost Lenore 5.10, 7p, sport - Summer 2013: Audrey, Conrad, Kris, Lisa, Mark, Mike, Todd

Approach: Follow guidebook description to Raven Crag. Halfway along the traverse ledge to the sport routes, drop down beside and then below the lower grey slabs to a platform and line of bolts above. 45-60 minutes.

Descent: Walk up to the ridge above and follow trail and cairns to the approach trail. 10 minutes.

Sam's Gift 13a, 190m

From Sam Eastman via the TABVAR Facebook page.

Sam Lambert and myself put in a fully bolted 5 pitch rig on the lower and farthest east buttress of Castle.

Sam's gift 13a.

Approach is the same as for Castles in the sky. Use the same trail as for Eisenhower tower, except when you break above tree line look left to a rambling scree ledge that splits the lower buttress.

1st 12+ 35M. Slight overhung and cryptic.

2nd. 12+45M. Dihedral to Burly roof. (fixed draw at crux.)

Cory's Bloody Gash 5.10-, 255m

From Chris Volkart via the TABVAR Facebook page:

Cory's Bloody Gash 255m, 5.10-

FA J. Mills, Cory Boshman, Chris Volkart Sept 4, 2014

This route starts at an obvious crack 70m right of the spillway, it takes a series of corner systems up the right side of the crossing the route Niagra on the Bow at both routes 2nd pitch. The route gets its name from an unfortunate foot injury on the first ascent due to loose rock. Large rocks were removed on the first ascent, however some loose rock no doubt remains.

Mt. Hector - Apollo - 5.10

An 11 pitch rock climb on the south ridge of Mt. Hector

Please do not identify the route in the media or in social media posts. The approach goes through delicate vegetation and prime wildlife habitat. Let’s keep the crowds down to minimize environmental impacts.
