Raven Crag Update

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Plutonian Shores 5.9, 7p, sport - Summer 2012: Audrey, Conrad, Greg, John, Ken, Kris, Larry, Mark, Mike, Tom

Lost Lenore 5.10, 7p, sport - Summer 2013: Audrey, Conrad, Kris, Lisa, Mark, Mike, Todd

Approach: Follow guidebook description to Raven Crag. Halfway along the traverse ledge to the sport routes, drop down beside and then below the lower grey slabs to a platform and line of bolts above. 45-60 minutes.

Descent: Walk up to the ridge above and follow trail and cairns to the approach trail. 10 minutes.

Emergency descent: Both routes may be rapelled with a 60m rope from the second last anchors. Use the extra rap anchors as shown on the photo topo. There is not a rap anchor at the very top.

Route Grade: