
Heart Creek Amphitheatre

Blackheart Amphitheatre Summer 2015 Topo (update from Marcus Norman)

Blackheart Amphitheatre has a history of reconnaissance, route building attempts, aid ascents and looser rock. Expect cerebral routefinding on bands of alternating excellent and not-so-excellent rock. It is advisable to wear a helmet until these routes see enough traffic. It is also advisable to have a full 70m rope for all longer routes.

Unicorn Canyon

Craig Doram writes on the TABVAR Facebook page:

Attached is a guidebook for Unicorn Canyon, a new climbing area being developed just on the outskirts of Kananaskis. A handful of people have put in a lot of hard work over the last couple seasons to get what I think are some pretty awesome routes assembled. There is still a long way to go before its a well travelled place, but for those who are looking for a magical adventure, please enjoy.


New Route in Canyon Creek

Location: Right of the Moose Patch area, 15m. right of "Spring Moose". Look for bolts leading to a v-groove just left of obvious overhanging roof.
Name: A Moose Once Bit My Sister.
Length: 75m. Grade: 5.11b
Description: P1. 30m. 5.11b (9 bolts). Crux moves through the v-groove. Belay on ledge with an assortment of 6 rusty bolts and pitons (relics from Mountain Rescue courses).
