The NW Shoulder 5.7, 600M

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AKA: The Bolt.
A Lightning Shaped line on the NW Shoulder of Hai Ling
From Brandon Pullan:
"I spotted this obvious line in the winter and thought it looked wild, it resem-
bles a lightning bolt.  We did it car to car in 3 hours and used no bolts.  The
belays are not fixed but are easy to find and build.  The route takes an ob-
vious ramp, 7 pitches, to another leftward ramp, 2 pitches, to a final right-
ward ramp, 3 pitches.  The crux pitches are 5 & 6.  They are slightly runout
but typical to the more traditional routes in the area."

Brandon Pullan, Nick Rochocewich
Route Year: 
Route Grade: 
Route Location: