Cory's Groove

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Cory’s Groove * 5.9, 455 m. Gear to 4”, 60 m rope(s) essential, 16 draws including 4 - 5 long slings.
F.A. Andy Genereux and Gord Rinke

This route follows some interesting rock architecture in a prominent left leaning gully to the right of and behind the main buttress (southwest face) of Mt. Cory  - home of the well-known climb Cory Crack. It starts directly below a large and very prominent black slab (which is clearly visible from the highway) and follows the edge of a bedding plane on the right side of the gully to the summit. Be aware that the route drains the entire upper face and if there is any significant rainfall, it turns into a stream!

Andy Genereux, Gord Rinke
Route Year: 
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