Thunderbolt 5.8 75m

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From Grant Parkin:

Thunderbolt 5.8 75m
F.A.  - Grant Parkin, Trevor Jones. (Jul 2017)

Sentinel, South End. Located a couple minutes right of the approach trail reaching the cliff, and just a short distance beyond the platforms of the Megaburl area. Keep an eye out for the distinctive roof and slab of the second pitch. Just below and right of this a bolted ramp on the first pitch leads up and right. A rack of 10-12 draws with 4-5 extendable draws should suffice. The route zig-zags a little and some extendable draws will reduce rope drag. The name comes from the zig-zag nature and because it is all fixed gear. Watch for a number of sidepulls, underclings, and hard to see incuts which keep the climbing at a moderate grade.

Grant Parkin, Trevor Jones
Route Year: 
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