The Alt-Left 11b A0 335m

From Marc Piché‎

The Alt-Left, EEOR 5.11b A0, 335m
Marc Piché, Steve Holeczi Aug. 15, 2016

Approach: Hike up as for True Grit, Geriatric, Econoline. Start ~15m left of a lone spruce tree at the base of the wall and ~15 m right of Econoline. The first bolt has a black hanger and is ~8m above the ground

P1- 50m,5.9: Climb up on good rock with some delicate moves to a good ledge and anchor after 30m.  Either belay here or preferably ascend another 20m (5.8) to a bolted anchor on a loose ledge.  

P2 - 30m,5.10c:  Move right on the ledge and crank up a few moves beside the crack.  Stem up the corner feature then step left when possible. Great moves on solid stone above.  

P3 - 35m,5.10d: Ascend an easy staircase with increasing difficulty into a shallow v groove. Technical climbing on superb rock for a few bolts leads to a ledge. Look for the secret left hand side pull to get over the overlap above.  

P4 - 35m,5.9: Ascend easily up a right facing corner to a stemming crux on gear. Continue up easier terrain to a nice belay ledge (small rack to #2/nuts will suffice)

P5 - 30m,5.9: Step right and ascend a straightforward pitch to the belay where the wall steepens. From the top of this pitch retreat is straightforward with a 70m rope.

P6 - 30m,5.10d: Traverse up and right on slightly fractious rock past 7 bolts to a traverse finger rail. In a good horizontal, place a 0.3 and 0.5 bd cam before launching straight up past another 2 bolts and the hanging anchor.

P7- 30m,5.11a/b: Climb straight up from the belay on steep and featured rock with bolts. Halfway up the pitch the character changes to a layback/ stemming gear corner (thin to mid sized gear), and a final bolt before moving out right to the belay.  An amazing pitch.

P8 - 30m,5.10d A0: Technical stemming/ face climbing past 4 bolts leads to a step out left and a nice gear crack. Climb up this to a small undercling roof. Step back right (bolt) and up to a small crack leading to the big and wild roof.  Currently the next 5 bolts are A0 with a large gap between the 1st and 2nd bolts. A small cam can be placed to shorten the gap.

P9 - 30m,5.11b: A spectacular pitch. Climb 5 bolts past finger jugs and an undercling section. After this transition into the technical stemming corner on gear and 1 bolt.  A few metres above the bolt at a finger rail head right into a rest. Climb up past another bolt then step back left to a small belay stance.  Note: there is a 2 bolt anchor higher in the corner which should not be used. This will be removed soon.

P10 - 35m,5.8: Head up left from the belay onto a slab of perfect rock to finish. From the top anchor scramble about 100m up before accessing easier ground to meet up with the regular EEOR scramble route descent trail.

Marc Piché‎, Steve Holeczi
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