Cougar Canyon - Creekside updates

From Don McPhalen:

July 2016 Update - Creekside Crag Cougar Creek

The routes listed as #4, 5, 7, 14, 15 and 19 in the Bow Valley Sport book have been retrofitted with permission. Each route now has its own anchor. The bolt positions and numbers have changed to update the routes post flood. In addition a “second pitch” has been added to route #4 - this may be a good setup to practice the up and down of multipitching.

Four new routes have been added, 3 to the left of route #4 and one at the far right side of the crag. The 3 left side routes are from left to right:
1. Young MC, 5.8, 22m, 7 bolts plus anchor, D. McPhalen, R. McPhalen, I. Kwan
2. Stone Cold Climbin, 5.9, 24m, 9 bolts plus anchor, D. McPhalen
3. Busta, 5.10a, 22m, 7 bolts plus anchor, D. McPhalen

The far right route is:
April Morning, 5.7, 22m, 7 bolts plus anchor, D.McPhalen, K. Drager