McGillivray Pond

From Gerry Drotar

A new sport crag with 10 routes and one gear climb. Bolted spring 2016. 8 quickdraws and a 60m rope.
Either park in the large pull out overlooking the small island with flags and picnic table in Lac des Arcs
(westbound lanes, necessitates a sprint across the highway – not recommended). Alternatively, from the
eastbound lanes pull off just before the guardrail begins. Park in the ditch or at a small clearing just

Locate flagging a few meters to the south then turn right for few more meters before heading steeply
uphill on a good trail. Follow this trail for about 10 minutes until it intersects the Trans Canada multi-use
trail. Turn right and in less than 100meters turn left following a trail up the left side of a small, usually
dry creek. 5 minutes of sometimes steep uphill brings you to the Irish Mist ice climbing area where the
trail continues up to the right, arriving at the Anxiety Headache arête. 15 minutes from the car to the

Gerry Drotar
Route Year: 
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