Echo Canyon - Hungry Tiger Wall

From Doug Fulford:

Hungry Tiger Wall

55 min, 450m elevation gain.

This new crag is a great addition to the shady side of Echo Canyon. Save it for warm summer days when the other side is baking in the sun. Hungry Tiger crag is located on the same cliff band as The Notch, but is accessed from below. The routes tend to be long and offer steep climbing on beautiful, featured stone, albeit sometimes sharp. Bring a 70m rope and lots of draws. Grades range from .11b to .12b. Those looking for an easier warmup can start at Sunset Crag, which you pass on the way to the Hungry Tiger crag. If it’s a colder morning, a warmup at The Hideaway is a sunny option. All the routes dry quickly after a rain.

Approach: Take the usual trail to Echo Canyon. Where the trail leaves the creekbed to ascend up and left to the Hideaway, locate a cairn and trail leading up and right to Sunset Crag in ~5 min. Continue along the trail another 5 minutes to a short 3rd class step just before the Hungry Tiger/Corner Pocket area. Routes are listed left to right.

To reach the routes 1), 2) and 3), scramble up the ramp to a small hacked out belay platform.

Hungry Tiger area

1) Pounce** .12a/b 33m 15 bolts
Not to be missed! A tricky move gains a jug and the fixed draw. Power through the crux headwall to a shake out. A reach left gains the cool handrail and another crux. Easier climbing on great rock leads to the top.
Hugo Daigle & Doug Fulford

2) Hungry Tiger** .12a/b 34m 15 bolts
The original route on the wall. Start as for Pounce. At the 8th bolt, move up and right to a good shake out. More good, pumpy climbing above then a romp to the anchors.
Hugo Daigle & Doug Fulford

3) Sabertooth** .11c 32m 14 bolts
A roof pull at the 2nd bolt leads to a short slab. The well-protected crux comes on the headwall above the slab. More fun, steep climbing above.
Hugo Daigle & Doug Fulford

4) Taken By The Tail** .11c/d 25m 12 bolts
Stick clip recommended. Steep pulls lead to nice slab climbing and a powerful crux getting established above the big roof. It’s best to back clean the last bolt on the slab before launching into the roof. The rock is sharp in places.
Hugo Daigle, Doug Fulford & Matt Mueller

5) Bite* 11b 25m 12 bolts
A tricky start (back clean the first bolt once you’ve clipped the second) leads to steep, pumpy climbing with a few sharp holds. Engaging slab climbing is followed by a pumpy crux above.
Doug Fulford & Matt Mueller

Corner Pocket area

6) Drilled In The Evening* 12c/12a 25m 10 bolts
Scramble up the ramp to the first bolt and pull through several roofs on surprisingly good holds. Just as the angle relents, a very difficult, thin crux on a vertical slab is likely to result in flight time.
Doug Fulford & Matt Mueller

7) Tiger Lily** .11c 25m 10 bolts
Start as for Drilled In The Evening. At the 7th bolt, head right and pull through two more roofs on jugs, then more easily up and left to the anchor. Careful use of longer draws is needed to prevent rope drag.
Doug Fulford & Matt Mueller

8) The Corner Pocket** .11b 25m 10 bolts
This is the leftmost of 4 Ian Perry lines, which collectively are known as The Corner Pocket. The rest are reported to be incomplete. Cool pockets and varied climbing. The roof pull at the top stumps many.
Ian Perry

Doug Fulford, Hugo Daigle, Matt Mueller, Ian Perry
Route Location: