Eastern Posers

East Face of Second Buttress of Rundle
Eastern Posers 5.9+R, 450m
FA: BP and MB Sept 09

Begin in the large scooped bowl below the large upper east face. Climb a few hundred meters of easy terrain to get to a left slant. Up the slant (5.8) 60m to a ledge with a bolt. From here traverse left on ledge to a loose rib, up to a bush in cave and then left up a difficult and steep run out face (5.9+R) 70m back right to bolt below a corner (belay). Up the corner to a wet polished slab (5.9R) to an awkward steep corner, one good cam on pitch (#3) 50m.

From here climb two pitches up the stunning corner in solid rock to a small ledge (5.9) , traverse left below gully and a bolt for a belay. Up the easier gully and low angle rubble to top. Hike off.
Rack: gear to 3 inches, 70m ropes and a small selection of pitons.
The 5.9+R pitch is similar to the last pitch of Freak Out on Yam, just longer.
Hand drilled bolts, no power drill.. 3 on route only for belays.

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